Pupil Premium

Statutory Info

Pupil Premium information

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Overview - What is the Pupil Premium?
  • The Pupil Premium is an allocation of money from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to schools to help narrow the gap in achievement between disadvantaged students and other students.
  • Disadvantaged students are defined by the Department for Education as those who have been eligible to receive free school meals in the past six years (EVER6 FSM) and children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order (Post-LAC). In addition funding is payable for supporting children with parents in the regular armed forces (EVER5 Service Child).
  • Separately, funding may also be awarded for Looked-After Children (LAC) by their home local authorities.
Aims/Objectives in spending PPG
  • To ensure all pupils are given the support, guidance and resources to achieve their full academic potential.
  • To narrow the disadvantage gap by addressing inequality and raising the attainment of children from disadvantaged families;
  • To achieve and maintain the number of pupils categorised as NEET as zero.
Measures to Reach Objectives
  • To provide extensive pastoral, social and emotional support for pupils with particular needs;
  • To provide guidance and support required to improve attendance;
  • To facilitate provision of a personalised curriculum to secure outstanding outcomes;
Main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils
  • A lack of financial resources resulting in students missing the additional support materials needed for their academic achievement to really flourish, e.g. revision materials, tutorial support, laptops, and wider reading books;
  • A lack of financial resources resulting in students missing opportunities to learn outside of the classroom, e.g. non-compulsory curriculum trips and external extra-curricular programmes;
  • A lack of self-esteem resulting in a lack of resilience and confidence in their own cognitive abilities;
  • A need to supplement parental (or carer) support at home to ensure advice and guidance in critical times of their education.

Pupil premium strategy statement