The English curriculum at Holyport College is designed to stretch and challenge every pupil in the school whilst supporting their individual academic needs. We recognise that skills acquired in English have a profound impact on all other curriculum subjects and are fundamental in any walk of life.
Reading and literature will always be the driving force of Holyport’s curriculum. It makes English lessons more active, more engaging and more accessible. However, pupils will be consistently taught how to communicate in a ‘clear, accurate and engaging way’. Pupils are equipped to become fluent writers who can use language with confidence. Spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary will be taught explicitly to all year groups in all modules.

The three pillars of the English Curriculum:
Reading and Literary Understanding.
Written and Verbal Communication.
Intellectual Development & SMSC.
The English Department offers additional enrichment activities alongside the curriculum including: teaming up with TVLP and Young Writers for creative writing workshops such as ‘The Future We Want’ and ‘Through Their Eyes’, Reading Ambassador roles, running trips to see live local theatre productions and working with The Globe Players. As a Department, we strive to find new ways to inspire and enrich the learning experience of all our pupils wherever possible.