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Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages at Holyport College

Learning a foreign language allows students to open their mind, explore new cultures and communicate with the world.

Image of pupils in a lesson

Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.


Learning a foreign language provides students with a better understanding of their own native language and culture, not only cultural customs, but of the grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation patterns of their first language. Students develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and express themselves with increasing confidence, independence and creativity.

Learning a foreign language immerses students into new world perspectives, inviting them to experience a world beyond their own to help them fully appreciate the language thereby expanding their horizons. They develop into tolerant individuals with an understanding of life that is open-minded and leads to an appreciation of cultural diversity.

Image of pupils in brightly coloured ethic clothing sat enjoying some food and drink
An Overview of Languages at Holyport College