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The Eton Partnership

About Us

At Holyport College, we are proud to work in partnership with Eton College.

Eton College was founded by King Henry VI in 1440 is situated a few miles away from Holyport near Windsor. Eton is widely recognised as a leading, academically selective, independent boarding school in the UK and, whilst Holyport College may be a relatively new school, we are fortunate to be able to draw on Eton’s heritage and experience. This partnership has allowed us to forge links between the schools at a number of levels (in our governance, through the sharing of facilities and opportunities and through staff and student interactions).

Image of girls sat on steps at Eton College

Holyport students benefit from the regular use of a number of Eton College’s facilities (for example rowing at Eton Dorney or taking part in Design Technology sessions in Eton’s workshops). Likewise, our partnership with Eton College provides Holyport students with unique opportunities which would not otherwise be afforded them: more able students in Key Stage 3 may be invited to take part in the Eton Aspirations Project whereby Senior Eton students teach a series of extension lessons to younger Holyport students to broaden their horizons beyond the curriculum; senior Holyport students are regularly invited to attend society meetings at Eton College with some of the country’s most eminent speakers.