Our Curriculum at Holyport College
Holyport College was founded on the principle that it is the fundamental entitlement of every young person, regardless of background or ability, to study a meaningful and broad range of academic subjects and to have the opportunity to gain appropriate qualifications in the full range of these subjects.
That said, we want young people to leave Holyport College not just well qualified and well rounded but also well educated. Education isn’t just about exam results: the fundamental purpose of the education we provide is to ensure that young people develop an understanding of the world in which they live, its past, its present and its future. They must learn about the culture of the world, its heritage, its people, its ways and its faiths and they must learn about the global environment and their responsibilities in relation to this. We believe that the curriculum we have developed goes a long way towards meeting these aims.
Our teaching staff are chosen for their depth of subject knowledge and their genuine love for their subjects and, through them, we aim to challenge and inspire our students and to engender a lifelong love of learning.
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3, all students will study the following subjects: English, Maths, Science, Spanish (or French for some students joining in Year 9), Geography, History, R.S., Music, Computing, Drama, Art, Physical Education and Personal Development.
In all subject areas, the curriculum and assessment framework have been designed around developing the skills students will need to be successful in their studies of each subject (including literacy and numeracy where appropriate) as well as extending their knowledge of subject content. Students sit Trials (formal examinations) in each subject three times per year plus two further interim assessments.
The Key Stage 3 curriculum serves to develop students’ learning in each subject, to inspire an interest in the further study of that subject and to ensure that students are prepared for the rigours of the GCSE courses which begin in Year 10.

Key Stage 4
The GCSE curriculum is designed around the principle that, through studying a broad range of academic subjects until the age of sixteen, students will have a greater range of options and opportunities available to them in the next stages of their education. Students choose their GCSE Options in May of Year 9. All students take either nine or ten GCSEs (depending on whether they take Trilogy or separate Sciences).
following subjects are compulsory for all students at GCSE: English Language, English Literature, Maths, Sciences (all students begin a “triple Science” pathway in Year 10. In Year 11, some students will move to a Trilogy pathway to ensure that each individual is on the most appropriate pathway), Spanish or French, History or Geography.
Students must then choose three of the following GCSE Options in addition to those above: Geography, History, Spanish, French, Art, Music, Computing, Drama, RS, PE, Latin.
Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form curriculum is based around high quality, academic A Level courses. The stated aim of our Sixth Form is to meet the needs of those students who have the ability and ambition to gain entry to Oxford, Cambridge or Russell Group Universities (or equivalent international institutions). To this end, we are academically selective at Sixth Form level, admitting only those students whose GCSE grades serve as evidence of their ability to succeed on more demanding courses such as these.
All of our A Levels are two year, linear courses chosen for their rigour and we offer them in the following subjects: English Literature, Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computing, Geography, History, Spanish, French, Latin, Art, Music, Economics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Physical Education.

Extended Opportunities
Further to this, the College actively encourages all department areas to run frequent trips and visits to enrich our students’ learning and to allow them to contextualise this learning within the wider world. There are regular trips to theatres, galleries, museums and places of worship; all students are encouraged to take part in our extensive programme of sports fixtures; Sixth Form students regularly attend national conferences in their chosen subject areas; younger students have the opportunity to attend a residential outdoor activity trip in the Summer.
All students also have the opportunity to achieve the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and older students can join the College’s CCF Corp. There is also an extensive programme of international trips including ski trips and sports tours and trips to Iceland, Italy, France and Japan.