Boarding Fees


Boarding Fees are payable termly in advance and include meals and the opportunities for many free co- curricular activities and scholar talks at Eton.

Image of a boarding pupil making a cup of tea

Where a boarding place has been offered to a student who lives with parents within the UK, or is MOD sponsored, a non-refundable deposit of £3,000 will be payable at the time of acceptance. This deposit will be set against the invoice for the last term’s fees.

Where a boarding place has been offered to a student whose main residence is with parents living outside of the UK, a non-refundable deposit of £6,000 will be required at the time of acceptance. This will be set against the invoice for the last term’s fees.

Fees are payable termly in advance, unless a prior arrangement has been made in writing with the Bursar.

SEND Local Offer

Please note the following:

  1. Our compulsory full-time curriculum runs from 8.40am to 5.00pm, with a further 1-1.5 hours dedicated to prep in the evening. It is undeniably a long school day.
  2. All students at Holyport College study a compulsory foreign language. All students are required to undertake a modern foreign language (French or Spanish) up to and including GCSE level as part of their statutory curriculum entitlement.
  3. In Years 7 and 8, all pupils are placed in mixed ability sets. This is different to larger local secondary schools, who have the ability to set students of different abilities across a greater number of classes (up to 10 in some cases).
  4. As our classrooms are designed for 24 students they are, by their nature, physically small – with limitations on the number of support staff able to effectively operate within them.
  5. The College is unable to provide additional adult support for any child in the classroom unless this is specifically mandated and funded within an individual’s EHCP.